Our outstanding Education Team provides expert support to the Heads, Chinese Principals, senior and middle leaders, teachers and educational support staff. Drawing on decades of leadership experience in the UK and internationally, they lead professional development and quality assurance, informed by the latest thinking in educational best practice. Comprised of senior education professionals, including successful school Heads, government advisors and influential educational thinkers, the team takes a research-based, progressive approach that drives excellence in our schools.
The AISL Harrow family of schools has a worldwide reputation for the high quality education, teacher engagement, student attainment and parental satisfaction. We maintain, these standards by recruiting only the very best teachers and school leaders. All of our educators are highly qualified, the majority holding advanced degrees and other additional certifications. Most are recruited from the UK, plus some from Australia, New Zealand and other English-speaking countries with excellent education systems.
As a renowned family of schools we are privileged to be able to select from a pool of exceptionally talented teachers who want to work for AISL Harrow Schools. Where possible, our head teachers are interviewed at Harrow School in the UK where they have a positive first experience of the Harrow family. A rigorous recruitment process is followed, with only the very best candidates being employed.
In addition, our safeguarding and background checks are exceptionally thorough meaning we are confident all adults in our school are safe to be close to our students.
To ensure that our already excellent teachers remain up-to-date with the very latest educational advances, our AISL Academy provides extensive opportunities for professional development.
AISL Academy is a global learning platform for educators, parents and students who will have access to the latest and best practices in pedagogy, professional learning and social development, within an international, interactive and interconnected setting. Built upon AISL Harrow Schools’ pillars of educational excellence, the Academy is a collection of high quality and high impact certified and accredited courses, dedicated panel discussions and shared learning events.
On behalf of Asia International School Limited (AISL) – the holding company of all Harrow-branded schools, Harrow International Management Services Limited (HIMS) oversees the running of Harrow’s family of schools. HIMS provides technical advice and assistance to support the management of each school.
The schools operate under an agreement with the Governors of Harrow School in the UK. Under that agreement, the schools are permitted to use the Harrow name and Arms, and are required to have a Governing Board which, inter alia, is responsible for the overall philosophy, vision, culture and strategic direction of the school; compliance with governing documents and law; and ensuring that appropriate policies and procedures are in place for the day to day operations. The Governing Board of each school is required to include two Governors of Harrow School (or their representatives), two representatives of the school’s owners, and one Director of HIMS.
The Governing body of each school is composed of the following members:
The presence of Harrow School Governors and HIMS in governance is to assure, amongst other things, a consistently high standard of education, reflecting Harrow School’s values and traditions of excellence.
35/F, Office Tower, Convention Plaza, 1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong SAR
Dr Ahmed Hussain was appointed Associate Professor in the School of Education at Durham University. He has a rich experience in leadership of international school groups and education reform. Prior to joining the Group, Dr Hussain had held school leadership and university research positions in England, UAE and China.
Having enjoyed an extensive career in independent schooling both in the UK and within British international schools spanning over 30 years, Charles is presently Director of Quality and Standards within the AISL Education Team.
Charles’ leadership journey has included roles such as Head of Department, Director of Co-curricular Provision, Housemaster, Head of Sixth Form, Deputy Head and Headmaster of an all-through boarding and day school in England. Prior to his present Group role, Charles was Head Master of Harrow Shanghai.
Charles holds post-graduate qualifications in Psychology (based primarily on leadership and team dynamics) and the NPQH (National Professional Qualification for Headship). For the past thirteen years, Charles has also been regularly involved in the inspection of day and boarding schools for the UK Department for Education with ISI, both in the UK and within British international schools through the BSO framework.
Dr Neelam Parmar is an award-winning professional, international researcher, author, thought leader and speaker for the use of educational technology, digital pedagogy and innovative curriculum within education. A highly experienced leader in Digital Education, Neelam has engaged with the UK Department of Education (DfE) EdTech Leadership Group, national EdTech Impact workshops, The @womenEd_Tech movement and is also a judge for the global renowned Bett Awards.
Prior to joining AISL Harrow Schools, Neelam worked for various groups of schools in the UK, drawing on her research and practical experience to oversee digital learning and educational technology, and leadership in operations and strategy as well. She is also the author of the ‘Digital Literacy in the Primary’ series and ‘Digital Parenting’ book, locally published and distributed globally.
Since graduating from East China Normal University, Isabel has been working in education field for over two decades and enjoyed an extensive career. Prior to joining AISL Harrow Schools, she worked for various public school, international school and private licensed bilingual schools in China and UK. Isabel was a Head of School and a Consultant, leading various school development projects. She is also an IB DP examiner, and a CIS accreditation evaluator.
Linda Wang is a seasoned Educational Specialist who has cultivated her career in China’s Education industry for more than two decades. Prior to joining AISL Harrow Schools, Linda had served as the Founding Head of a private school in China. She possesses a variety of qualifications including National Expert of Education and Leader of Education Expert Team appointed by the Ministry of Education, as well as the host of the “Distinguished Teacher Workshop”.
Ruth Whymark has been in headship for fifteen years. She has led in a variety of settings and contexts, giving her a very wide perspective on global education, from challenging inner-city to high performing state and international schools all of which informed her passion for social justice, leadership, wellbeing, equity, inclusion and diversity. She attributes the success of the schools she has led to having a team of talented staff who are focussed on delivering a curriculum which celebrates the uniqueness of each student and raises their self-esteem. Ruth is passionate about building professional learning communities that create the conditions for learners to achieve both personal and academic success. The belief that all pupils can achieve highly is at the heart of Ruth’s practice. Ruth enjoys building and developing strong teams; enabling capable and effective leadership to inspire and motivate whole communities through supportive relationships.
James graduated from University of Oxford with a degree in Modern History and then completed his PGCE at Cambridge University.
He started his career in teaching at Stamford School. After four years there he joined Sherborne School in Dorset, where he went on to become a Boarding Housemaster. In 2004 James was approached by GEMS to create Sherfield School, the only new school opened by the group in the United Kingdom.
In 2009 James was appointed as Head of Prior Park College in Bath, going on to become the Founding Principal of the Prior Park Schools, during which time he oversaw the opening of Prior Park School, Gibraltar.
In 2019 James became the Founding Principal of the Haberdashers’ Monmouth Schools and, in 2022, he was appointed to be Director of Educational Development for the Haberdashers group, working across their eighteen schools.
James is delighted to have been appointed as Head of Harrow Bangkok and starts in this role in September 2023.
Paul read Psychology at the University of Newcastle before beginning his career teaching Psychology and Biology at an Outstanding academy in Yorkshire. Paul went on to spend six years in Rome, first as Deputy Head and then Head of Senior School where he completed his NPQH with University College London. He also worked collaboratively as the Chair of Assessment for eight British International schools across Europe in a bid to drive up academic performance and will shortly complete his training to be a Council of British International Schools (COBIS) Peer Accreditor. Paul is uncompromising in getting the very best for our young people, encouraging them to find their unique voice in order to become the next great changemakers for the local and global communities they serve.
Michael was formerly the Deputy Head Academic at Princethorpe College, an HMC independent day school in the UK. Michael took a first-class honours degree in Law at Warwick University before undertaking research in Japan as a Daiwa Scholar. He gained his LLM from Harvard Law School, where he was a Frank Knox Memorial Fellow, and subsequently his Doctorate in Law from Warwick University. From August 2021 onwards, Michael takes responsibility for whole-school aspects of our provision, will deputise for the Head Master, and will work closely with the Head Master and the Board of Governors to deliver the school’s Strategic Development Plan. Michael will oversee whole-school coordination and major school event planning. He will also lead the development of Harrow International School, Bangkok overarching teaching and learning ambitions including oversight of academic staff appraisal and continuing professional development.
Michael 曾任英国HMC独立走读学校——皇子龙学院(Princethorpe College)——的学术副校长。获得华威大学法律专业一等荣誉学位之后,Michael作为大和学者前往日本进行研究。在哈佛法学院攻读法学硕士学位时,他成为了Frank Knox Memorial Fellowship奖学金得主,后又一举攻下华威大学法学博士学位。从 2021 年 8 月起,Michael 负责我们学校运行的方方面面,他将作为副校长与校长、校董会密切合作,落实学校的战略发展规划。Michael负责监督全校协调和重大校园活动的策划。他还将领导哈罗曼谷的总体教学和学习发展,包括监督学术员工考核和持续专业发展。
Paul graduated with a first class degree in Mathematics and Statistics from Brunel University. Following a number of years working as an actuary and as a business consultant focusing on managerial solutions for a major oil company, Paul moved into the education sector in 1999. In his first headship in the UK, he oversaw improvement to OfSTED “Outstanding,” before moving to Singapore, where was Head of Primary at Nexus International School for eight years. Paul has trained with OfSTED and also carries out school evaluations on behalf of the Council of International Schools. A highly experienced school leader, Paul passionate about education that provides young students with the foundations to flourish as successful leaders in this dynamic world. Paul Beach joined Harrow International School, Bangkok in August 2021.
Paul毕业于布鲁内尔大学,获得数学和统计学一等学位荣誉。在担任了数年精算师和一家大型石油公司的商业顾问(专注于管理解决方案)之后,Paul 于 1999 年进入教育行业。他在英国初任校长职务时,监督学校提高教育质量,成为英国教育标准局(OfSTED)评定的 “优秀”学校。 之后,他在新加坡的Nexus 国际学校担任了八年小学校长。Paul 曾接受英国教育标准局培训,并代表国际学校委员会开展学校评估工作。作为一位经验丰富的学校领导,Paul热衷于打造能够助力年轻学生在这个日新月异的世界中成为杰出领导者的教育。Paul Beach 于 2021 年 8 月加入哈罗曼谷。
Phil grew up and attended school in London before reading Chemistry at universities in both the UK and Germany. Phil took his first teaching post in London in September 2003 where he helped to raise academic standards across the school, leading to his promotion as Head of Science and then Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for teaching and learning, as well as a large Sixth Form cohort of over 400 students. Phil was promoted into his first Headteacher role in 2016, going on to drive the school’s growth from approximately 900 students to 1,870 students from Nursery through to Sixth Form – becoming the most popular school in that district of London in the process. He is used to working with large teams of teachers, support staff, students and families to ensure the best education journey possible. Phil has a real passion for delivering the highest quality education which, for him, means seeing students fulfil their academic potential whilst also developing their character, confidence and skills through a variety of programmes and opportunities.
He believes that this type of holistic education helps to foster confident, compassionate leaders who will go on to improve the world we live in. Seeing happy young people move on to top university destinations and careers is hugely satisfying and it is why he loves being Headteacher.
Shellie Gibbons has dedicated nearly 20 years of her professional life to the field of education. Originally from the beautiful west coast of Ireland, Shellie’s passion for learning and teaching has been a driving force in her life.
Shellie embarked on her journey at AISL Harrow Beijing, where she initially served as an Economics teacher. Her commitment to academic excellence and leadership skills quickly propelled her into Middle and Senior Leadership roles. Over the years, she has become a cornerstone of AISL Harrow Beijing, shaping the educational landscape and contributing to the school’s success.
In her current role, Shellie leads the Upper School with enthusiasm and dedication. Her leadership has fostered a vibrant and high-achieving environment, empowering students and teachers to excel academically and personally.
One of Shellie’s greatest passions is exploring the world. She has a deep-seated love for travel and strives to experience as much of the globe as possible. When not jet-setting to new destinations, she can be found immersing herself in the beauty and charm of local Hutongs around Beijing. Shellie takes delight in sampling authentic Chinese cuisine and engaging with the rich cultural tapestry surrounding her.
Ms. Sarah Davey has over 15 years of experience in education, with 10 years of those in educational leadership in British private schools before joining Harrow Beijing in 2017. Ms Davey is entering her third year as Head of the Lower School at AISL Harrow Beijing.
Ms. Davey grew up in Australia and early in her teaching career moved to London to combine her love of education and travel. She has since travelled to many countries around the world and consequently has developed a rich appreciation for different cultures and ways of life; this has been instrumental not only for her personal growth but also for her professional development as an educator.
‘What travelling has taught me is that although the circumstances of a child may change, one thing remains the same: their capacity to learn. When children are given a happy, engaging, and safe learning environment, they have the ability to thrive and excel.’
Ms. Ann Haydon (University of Surrey) from Surbiton High School, England
Ms. Haydon took up her position as Head of AISL Harrow Hong Kong on 1 August 2017. She is the first woman to lead a Harrow School.
After reading Economics and Geography at the University of Surrey, Ms. Haydon completed her PGCE at the University of Nottingham. In 2007 she gained the National Qualification for Headship from the University of London. In 2013 she was awarded a distinction in the Pearson UK. Headteacher of the Year Awards and has gained national recognition for work in leadership, governance, teaching and learning and marketing in Schools. In 2012, Ms. Haydon and her Senior Leadership Team won the Independent Schools ‘Outstanding Senior Leadership Team of the Year’ and in 2013 received the accolade of ‘Outstanding Governing Board of the Year’.
Ms. Haydon has held the position as HMC London Division Secretary and was a member of the HMC Sports Committee. She was a member of the United Learning Heads Reference Group working on strategic developments across a group of Independent Schools and Academies and she has sat on the Governing Body of several Independent Schools in London.
Ms. Haydon was Deputy Head at Guildford High School before taking up the position as Principal of Surbiton High School in 2008, an independent, HMC (Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference) and IAPC (Independent Association of Prep Schools) School with circa 1500 pupils aged 4 to 18, both of which are consistently placed in the Top Ten Schools in the Times League Tables. Ms. Haydon now has the privilege of leading Harrow Hong Kong.
As a leading educator, Ms Haydon is committed to getting the very best out of young people and preparing them for top universities across the world.
Ms. Haydon’s interests include travel, sport and the arts. Ms. Haydon is married to Nigel and has two step children.
Ms Laura Yandell (Royal Birmingham Conservatoire & Goldsmiths, University of London) from Ark Greenwich Free School, England
Miss Yandell graduated from The Royal Birmingham Conservatoire with a BA Honours degree in Acting. She then went on to do a PGCE in Drama and a Masters in Education at Goldsmiths, University of London.
Miss Yandell worked as a Head of Department at Ravens Wood School in Kent and Sydenham High School in London before becoming Deputy Headteacher in charge of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum at Ark Greenwich Free School in South London.
Miss Yandell has a keen interest in the topic of women and leadership and has read and conducted a lot of research in this area. She is a keen member of the #WomenEd educational movement and has spoken at various conferences regarding the global in-balance of females in leadership roles in the workplace.
Miss Yandell enjoys travelling, visiting the theatre and reading and feels very privileged to have a job where she can help shape the leaders of tomorrow.
Mr. Tom Hicks (St Catherine’s College, Oxford University) from Uppingham School, England
Mr Hicks comes from a family steeped in pastoral care. Having grown up in boarding houses in the South of England, Mr Hicks followed his father’s footsteps, becoming Housemaster at Wellington College, UK, having previously been Head of Sixth Form and Assistant HM at Lord Wandsworth College, Hampshire. Prior to joining AISL Harrow Hong Kong, he was Assistant Head: Pastoral at Uppingham School, one of the oldest and most prestigious boarding schools in Britain.
Mr Hicks is an experienced international educator, and spent three years as Head of Group Boarding for the Wellington Group of schools, paying annual inspection visits to schools in Tianjin and Shanghai. He also set up a national Prep Schools Boarding Conference, in conjunction with the Boarding Schools Association, for whom he has been a speaker at their annual national conference. Mr Hicks sat on the governing body and the academic committee of The Wellington Academy – a state boarding school in Wiltshire. At Uppingham, he spearheaded a brand-new Wellbeing curriculum, founded on the principles of Positive Psychology, following research in schools as far-ranging as the United States, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand.
Although a teacher of English, Mr Hicks studied Modern Languages (French and Linguistics) at St. Catherine’s College, Oxford University and gained his PGCE from the University of Buckingham. Whilst at university, he gained four Blues for cricket and was captain in 2000, the final first-class fixture between Oxford and Cambridge at Lord’s. He went on to captain his county, Dorset, for several years, and has also captained the MCC at the home of cricket and sat on the Players and Fixtures Sub-Committee. He now writes about the game and is a published author.
Mr Hicks joined Harrow Hong Kong with his wife, Penny, who works as Head of Scholarships and Bursaries and in the Admissions Department at Harrow Hong Kong. Their three children all attend the school.
Mr. James Brewer (Queen’s University Belfast) from Epsom College in Malaysia
Mr Brewer hails from Londonderry, Northern Ireland where he attended school at Foyle and Londonderry College. He graduated with a BSc in Physics before completing a MSc in Electronics and PGCE in Science, all from Queen’s University Belfast.
His first teaching post was in Bexley Grammar School in Bexley, Kent. In Bexley, he gained experience in the roles of Head of Physics and Head of Houses. Mr Brewer thought London was far from home until he moved into international teaching at Qatar International School in Doha, Qatar. He was part of the senior leadership team that developed the school into a teaching and learning school. He then moved east to Epsom College in Malaysia, Epsom was his introduction into boarding school. He thoroughly enjoyed the additional aspects that boarding school brings to teaching and to the students’ school experience.
Mr Brewer enjoyed playing various sports at school, university and club level. He played rugby with Queen’s and City Of Derry and cricket with Brigade. After hanging up his boots, he coached rugby and cricket in schools as well as regularly playing golf.
Mr Brewer moves to AISL Harrow Hong Kong with his wife Mrs Mitchell, who is Housemistress of Fry House, and their two children Noah and Ella who both attend the lower school.
Mr Brendan Shanahan (University of Liverpool) from St Barnabas’ CE Primary School & Nursery, England
Mr Shanahan took up his position as head of the Lower School at Harrow International School, Hong Kong on 17th August 2020.
Mr Shanahan graduated from the University of Liverpool with a BA (Hons) degree in Social & Economic History in 2005. He then completed his PGCE at Leeds Beckett University before starting teaching in Kirklees. Mr Shanahan has help a range of posts in his career including leading on PE, Maths, English, Design Technology, Safeguarding, Curriculum, Standards and Assessment. He was a headteacher in Westminster before taking up the role as Head of Lower School at AISL Harrow Hong Kong.
He is a keen sportsman and represented his University at football, lacrosse, hockey and rugby league. He also represented Huddersfield and Yorkshire playing Gaelic Football.
Mr Shanahan is delighted to be joining the team at Harrow Hong Kong and is committed to ensuring that every pupil reaches their full potential.
Mrs Berner joined AISL Harrow Hong Kong in August 2017. Over the past 2 years she has held the position of Assistant Head of Lower School (Pupil Progress), developing the use of data to support Teaching and Learning. Mrs Berner is pleased to be taking on the role of Deputy Head (Pupil Wellbeing).
Mrs Berner holds a BA (Hons) in Primary Education from Sheffield Hallam University and qualified as a teacher in 2006. She gained a Masters in Teaching and Learning at the University of Leicester. After teaching across the primary age range, Mrs Berner pursued her interest in Inclusion and completed the National Award for SENDCo’s. She has worked as part of the Senior Leadership Team at two schools in Leicestershire, much of this time was focused on pupil wellbeing and inclusion. Mrs Berner has also completed the NPQSL with the National College and became a Specialist Leader of Education in 2015, supporting and advising schools on a range of priorities.
Mrs Berner lives in one of Harrow Hong Kong’s senior boarding houses (Peel House) with her husband, Mr Berner, who has recently taken up the role of House Master.
Alex is an enthusiastic, experienced school leader who has enjoyed educating children for nearly 30 years. His career has included working in a range of outstanding schools in both the United Kingdom and New Zealand, most recently as the Head of one of New Zealand’s top private schools, leading it to become one of the best academic schools in the country.
He took his first degree in English Literature at Cambridge University, has a National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) from the Institute of Education in London, and completed a master’s degree a few years ago on the work of the great Scottish novelist, Muriel Spark. He is passionate about literature, drama and music, and spends much of his free time enjoying cultural pursuits. He also likes to travel, to exercise and keep fit – he needs to do this regularly because he loves good food!
Alex believes that a great education has academic excellence for all students at its core, supported by a broad programme of personal, cultural and social opportunities. A great school works with its parents and families to develop successful young people who are also good young people, and who will use their talents to make the world a better place for everyone.
Mr Roundell has over 15 years of teaching and senior leadership experience with roles in the UK, Asia and volunteer experience in Africa, and was most recently the Pastoral and Safeguarding Lead at Wellington College International Tianjin. He has a great passion for school evaluation and school improvement and have led and participated in a number of CIS accreditation visits to international schools across the Asia-Pacific region.
Mr Probert has worked within the Harrow family of Schools for a number of years having previously been Director of Studies at Harrow Beijing. In addition, he has extensive teaching experience as a history teacher, having taught in schools in the UK, China and South Korea. Equally, he has worked in a number of leadership roles, initially leading the prep curriculum at Harrow Beijing before progressing to Director of Studies, and was also Head of History for several years at NLCS in South Korea.
Ms Phillips has been an educator for the past 20 years, working in Asia and Europe. She has a Postgraduate Certificate in Education with QTS and Masters degree in Education from the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom as well as a teaching licence from Washington D.C, America. Before coming to AISL Harrow Shanghai, Ms Phillips was principal of a large British kindergarten in Bahrain for 8 years and previously, head of the children’s department at the British Council in Kuwait for 4 years.
Ms Phillips is passionate about Early Years education and strives to ensure that children build a firm foundation for future success through high levels of engagement in a high-quality play-based environment. These opportunities promote exciting challenges, exploration, adventure and embeds a real love of learning.
The ambitious and sequential curriculum that has been set in place at Harrow Shanghai meets the needs of each child and exposes all children to language rich environments which in turn holds the key to successful listeners, readers, writers, and communicators. Ms Phillips also priorities outdoor learning, gardening and sustainability in the Early Years which raises awareness of the world around us as well as opportunities to develop many of the key skills which are needed throughout our life’s journey such as problem solving, dealing with conflict, creativity and perseverance to name a few.
Mr Jedrzejczyk has worked in international schools in Shanghai for the last ten years. Before joining the teaching profession, he read law at Westminster University, worked in the City of London, before completing a Masters degree in International Law at the University of Warwick. Following a transition to teaching, Mr Jedrzejczyk completed his Postgraduate Certificate in Education with Durham University, and has worked primarily as a teacher of English, English as an Additional language and as a curriculum co-ordinator for service learning within the AISL Harrow Shanghai Prep school.
Mr Jedrzejczyk favours research-led approaches to curriculum development and implementation, as well as to teaching and learning pedagogical practices. Although, he continues to put great emphasis on experiential learning, co-ordinating the Junior Award Scheme for Schools and The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award, for which he is certified trainer, to get students outside of the classroom and participating in dynamic learning experiences.
Mr Bennetts is joining AISL Harrow Shanghai after five years at an international school in Washington, D.C., where he was Head of Humanities and Social Sciences. This was preceded by four years at a large comprehensive school in north London, where he was Head of Politics and a member of the Sixth Form Pastoral Team, focused principally on applications to higher education, alongside serving as a staff governor.
Aaron has around 30 years of Headship and senior leadership experience in the UK and China, having graduated from the University of Nottingham and the University College London with an MBA (Educational Leadership), followed by a PGCE from West London Institute, Brunel University and a National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH).
Grace has been teaching Chinese for over 20 years. She has served as Class Tutor, Chinese Teacher, Young Pioneers Counsellor, Moral Education Director in public schools and bilingual schools in China. Her track records are proven by her personal honours including, ‘Chongqing Excellent Young Pioneers Instructor’, ‘Regional Primary School Chinese Backbone Teacher’ and ‘District Excellent Teacher’. She has also won many awards in the municipal level class competitions and participated in the compilation of national subjects and several teaching monographs.
Judy Kong holds a master’s degree in TESOL from Teachers College, Columbia University, an MBA from CEIBS and is currently pursuing a DBA at the HELP University in Malaysia. She worked once as the community service area leader of IB program and initiated the AP program and A-level project at a top local school. Twenty years of experience in teaching and international education has given Ms. Kong in-depth understanding of international curriculum and education. She firmly believes that education is about inspiration and will contribute to the cause of bringing the premium Harrow education to families in Chongqing and a wider southwestern area in China.
Mr Bury is from the UK and has over 15 years of experience leading primary, secondary and all-through schools to success across the UK, Vietnam, China, and Thailand. Mr Bury brings a wealth of international expertise. Since gaining a PGCE at Canterbury Christ Church University, he has also achieved the National Professional Qualification for Senior Leadership. Mr Bury has also led his previous schools to notable accreditations. His strategic use of technology resulted in an award at the Education Business Awards and saw students invited to Buckingham Palace in London after winning a national technology development competition. Mr Bury has a strong belief that if a child is in an environment where they are happy and comfortable, both at home and at school, then it will act as a solid foundation and driver for their
Daniel has over 13 years’ experience in English teaching, educational leadership and English language testing. He has previously worked as Head of English Department, Principal Examiner for Pearson Test of English (Global) and is a DELTA Certified English Teacher from University College London (UCL).
Olly Wells is the former Executive Headteacher at Sedbergh School Fuzhou. He has a wealth of experience leading international bilingual schools in China, having also previously been Headteacher at what is now known as Wycombe Abbey Changzhou and Deputy Headteacher at Malvern College Qingdao. Prior to moving to China, Olly was Associate Principal at Westminster Academy in London, an enterprise specialist academy offering the IB Diploma and IB Career-Related Programme. As a COBIS Peer Accreditor Olly has the privilege to visit many schools around the world, bringing the best ideas he sees back to Harrow Haikou.
Olly studied at Sheffield University (BA), King’s College (PGCE, MA) and completed his National Professional Qualification for Headship with the National College of School Leadership. He is currently studying for a PhD in education at Lancaster University.
Cathy has been deeply involved in the education industry for 18 years. She holds an MBA from Hult International Business School and has worked in education management positions in well-known international school groups for more than 15 years. Cathy has not only the experience of managing foreign children’s schools, but also the experience of establishing private bilingual schools. Her long experience of working and studying in a multicultural environment has given her a broader perspective, more diversified thinking and a more tolerant mentality. In AISL Harrow Haikou, she will lead the team to cultivate the core values of Harrow for the new generation of students through teaching and learning, leadership projects, institutional systems and other activities, namely “Courage, Honour, Humility and Fellowship”, the four core values that students would benefited from throughout their lives, enabling them to have a foundation and strength to go further.
Daniel Berry joined Harrow International School Qianhai Shenzhen in 2023 after many successful years leading schools in the United Kingdom. Before joining Harrow, Berry was Head Master of Kirkham Grammar School, an independent day and boarding school and a member of the Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference (HMC), the professional association of the world’s leading Independent schools. At the same time, he was also a member of the HMC panel on inspection.
Kevin Qian holds a master’s degree in Education from Harvard Graduate School of Education specialising in School Leadership. He also received offers from Stanford University and the University of Pennsylvania, both of which are considered among the best institutions for Education. Kevin then served as School Principal of a well-renowned public high school and a top private K12 school in Boston, United States.
In the past decade, Kevin has taken up various leading positions in the international and bilingual education industry, including at a listed Education company, a private international school, and international division operated by a leading public high school in China. He is a professional school executive who has a broad range of experience in the establishment of schools, school management, academic curriculum design and overseas education counselling.
Catherine Donnelly joined Harrow International School, Qianhai Shenzhen in August 2023, after leading international schools in China and the middle East. Most recently, as Vice Principal of a large school in Abu Dhabi. Prior to that, she worked as Head of Primary of a successful British school in Shanghai. After graduating with a BA (Hons) in Primary Education with English, Catherine also holds a Master’s in International Education and concluded a National Professional Qualification of Headteachers. As well as leading schools, she assesses final submissions for various National Professional Qualifications. Catherine is passionate about providing as many opportunities for pupils as possible to ignite curiosity and develop a life-long love for learning through challenge and enjoyment.
Mr. Clayton has been in Education for over 19 years. He holds a Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Animal Biology from The University of Birmingham and trained as a Science teacher at Loughborough University. He moved to Asia in 2014 and has been working in South East Asia and China mainland as Headmaster. Being a motivated and ambitious professional, Mr. Clayton is committed to raising standards of excellence for all.
Ms Li holds a Master’s degree in Child Development and Education from the University of Oxford and is currently pursuing a PhD at the University of Liverpool, UK. In addition, she holds qualifications as a private school headmaster and domestic high school English teacher. She is a member of Peking University’s International School Operation and Senior Management Programme, and has been recognised as a Bilingual Teacher researcher by the China Institute of International Communication.
She has participated in educational research projects in both China and the UK and was named one of the top ten Up and Coming headmasters in international schools by Forbes China. Prior to joining Harrow Nanning, Ms. Li held leadership positions at a leading international school in Suzhou and was responsible for curriculum development at a prestigious bilingual school in Beijing. She has been working in the field of bilingual and international education for many years, during which she has accumulated a wealth of experience in education management and leadership. She also has unique insights into global education trends, standards, and practices.
Emily Gallagher has been appointed as Whole School Assistant Headteacher. Having achieved a Bachelor of Music in 2008, she then went on to complete her PGCE at Manchester Metropolitan, followed by a Master’s in Teaching and Learning in 2013. She is continuing her professional development this year, by working towards her National Professional Qualification in Senior Leadership, with a focus on assessment and mentoring. Alongside this, she and her husband welcomed their first child in June 2020, born in Wuxi, China.
Following nine years of teaching in the UK, she arrived in China five years ago and has worked in a number of leadership positions, including other founding schools. She believes that despite being a new school, a shared mission, clear communication and high levels of teaching will create a feel of a much older school, of which everyone will be proud of.
Ms Clark holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Education, specialising in Early Childhood Development and Foundation Phase, and is qualified to teach in kindergartens and primary schools. She has 14 years of kindergarten, primary and secondary education experience, including 9 years in academic leadership positions. She has extensive experience in curriculum design and development, and is able to integrate various knowledge to help students lay a solid foundation before entering a higher level. She is also very good at communicating with parents and she looks forward to working with all members of the educational community to create an educational environment for students to think critically, be inclusive, and pursue excellence.
Mr. Bartlett grew up in southeast England, attending state schools before winning an academic scholarship to Harrow School in London. He studied Chemistry at Oxford University and after a fourth year of research into physical & theoretical chemistry, he graduated with a Master’s degree in Physical Sciences. He spent a year as an organ scholar and professional musician before studying at Cambridge University for the Postgraduate Certificate in Education.
With over 20 years in teaching and leadership roles in prestigious schools in the UK, Mr Bartlett brings deep experience of high academic standards in institutions renowned for holistic education, outstanding music, and full boarding. He is an Inspector for the Independent Schools Inspectorate, a Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry, and previously served as Deputy Head Academic of The King’s School, Canterbury, possibly the oldest school in the world, which was recently judged by Carfax Education and Tatler Schools Guide 2024 as one of the top UK boarding schools alongside Harrow. As an Old Harrovian he will bring a rich understanding of Harrow’s heritage and values to his role.
Ms. Li graduated from the University of Sunderland with a master’s degree in International Education and holds a Chinese English Teaching Certificate and a Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE). With more than 10 years’ experience of teaching and management in international and bilingual schools, she has led the establishment of a bilingual secondary school and a Sixth-form center as a founding member. Before taking up the position of Chinese Principal at AISL Harrow Hengqin Zhuhai, she was Assistant Principal at a bilingual school in a highly regarded education group in Shanghai. She considers herself privileged to have worked in an IBDP school, an A-level school and bilingual schools in and outside Shanghai, gaining understanding, knowledge and appreciation from both international education and Chinese education in the context of ongoing transformation in private schools in China.
Ms. Li will be overseeing the development of bilingual education, teaching and learning, and community relations. She is very proud to be a member of the Harrow family and is committed to embedding the world-class Harrow education and its legacy of education excellence in the academically rigorous Chinese education. She is looking forward to building a vibrant learning community together with a passionate team of educators in AISL Harrow Hengqin Zhuhai to provide premium bilingual bicultural learning experiences for students and families in the Greater Bay Area.
A graduate of the University of Salford, Kirsty holds a PGCE from Nottingham University. With great enthusiasm for teaching and pastoral care, Kirsty has held senior positions in schools in the UK and in many renowned international schools across Asia, recently at Harrow Hong Kong. She has led the Boarding Team at AISL Harrow Hong Kong for many years and has over 12 years of boarding management experience in boarding schools in Asia and in the UK. She is familiar with the pastoral care system and the key principle of holistic education in British schools.
Kirsty’s teaching career spans over 27 years in which she has developed strong dedication and commitment, as an educational leader, helping students of all abilities achieve their full potential. She seeks to make a positive contribution to the learning experience of young people enabling them to take their place as good moral citizens in a 21st century society.
The principal is a holder of a double master’s degree: Business Administration from Peking University and Education from Simon Fraser University. She has dedicated herself to international education management for more than 18 years.
She not only has a profound understanding of Chinese and Western preschool education systems but also learns extensively from the latest trends in the industry. She has rich working experiences in teaching management and school operations. And she has closely worked with many other preschool education experts from overseas. For parents of young kids across the age spectrum, they all find her a valuable seasoned expert to talk to for effective and feasible parenting strategies for solving challenges and problems encountered by their children in preschool.
Linda is a firm believer and an advocator of Harrow’s Holistic Education approach. And she is also a trusted expert and practitioner of developing children’s full potential for happiness and successes in their lives.
Jack is a Primary Education specialist, graduating from Bishop Grosseteste University, Lincoln, UK. He is a founding member of the Harrow LiDe School Hengqin community and is especially committed to the holistic development of our Lower School students. He has taught across the primary school phase, both in China and the UK, and has extensive experience within school leadership and development.
Jack’s philosophy of education is based upon enabling success for all, utilizing innovative and engaging teaching and learning strategies to ensure that children are motivated to learn whilst building confidence in bilingual language acquisition. Pupil wellbeing and pastoral care is of paramount importance to Jack, and he believes that a happy young learner leads to a successful life-long learner. He aims to cultivate young leaders who are resilient, independent and aspirational to ensure that they experience educational excellence and are ready for the challenges of an ever-evolving world.
Stephen Tong joined Harrow Appi in August 2023 as Acting Head Master. Stephen has been part of the Harrow family for many years with his most recent position as Acting Head Master of Harrow Shenzhen Qianhai. With an impressive thirty-two years of teaching experience in six different schools in the United Kingdom, Stephen brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our community. Throughout his career, he has held diverse curricular and pastoral roles, accumulating over twenty years as a senior leader.
Prior to his journey to China, Stephen served as the Headteacher of a large secondary school in the far Southwest of England for twelve years. He holds a degree in History from the esteemed University of Durham, showcasing his dedication to academic excellence.
Stephen’s invaluable contributions at Harrow Shenzhen have left a lasting mark on the school’s development. With his exceptional leadership, he has built highly effective teams and spearheaded remarkable academic improvements. Now, as he joins Harrow Appi, Stephen’s unwavering commitment extends beyond our school to embrace the entire Harrow family. In collaboration with Founding Head Master Mick Farley, he will embark on a meticulous handover process, ensuring seamless continuity and continued progress. Together, they will shape a bright future for Harrow Appi and its students.
Nicola Bartram read Natural Sciences at the University of Durham before completing her teaching qualification and doing a further Masters qualification in Inclusive Education. The pastoral and wellbeing care of children is her life passion and she isIully committed to ensuring that our students develop as well-rounded global citizens, who are cared for physically, socially, and mentally.
Nicola has worked at many different schools in the UK and Internationally in a variety of in classroom and pastoral roles, starting her career as a Science teacher and a Head of Applied Science, before moving into a range of different pastoral roles from Head of House to Director of Inclusion. The mountain school experience is a far cry from her last appointment in the big city of Ho Chi Minh, but the rich natural resources we have available to us here in Appi is the perfect environment for the holistic education that Harrow can provide and is the ideal environment to develop our young people in all aspects of their growth; whether it be academically, socially, or in leadership and service.
David heads up Harrow Appi’s Enrichment Programme (Leadership and Service Curriculum). He’s particularly suited to this role having been Director of Summer School at Aiglon College in Switzerland for a number of years. He brings a wealth of boarding experience, having set up the boarding provision as the Head of Boarding at the International School of Milan. David gained a PGCE in Physical Education at Cardiff University and an MA in Education at the University of Bath.
Amy brings a wealth of experience as our Head of Science. She studied at the University of Portsmouth, completing a BSc in Marine Biology and a PGCE in Science. Due to her commitment to lifelong learning, she later took a Postgraduate Certificate in Chemistry at the University of Sussex. Her teaching career started in the UK before moving to Malaysia as Head of Science, then Le Rosey School in Switzerland, also as Head of Science, before joining her current school, UWCSEA Singapore, again as Head of Science.
Kathryn Gavin于 2021 年 8 月作为中学部高级领导团队中最资深的成员顺理成章地加入了学校行政领导团队。Kathryn毕业于埃克塞特大学,获得地理学荣誉学士学位之后,她转入圣卢克斯教育学院攻读 PGCE课程。她在约翰里昂学校(哈罗系学校成员之一)开启教学生涯,先后移居马来西亚、泰国、巴林和中国。Kathryn 于2008 年来到曼谷,今年已经是她在哈罗曼谷执教的第十四个年头。从教师、中层领导再到高层领导,一路走来,Kathryn积累了扎实的经验以及对哈罗曼谷及其社区的深刻了解。她致力于确保为每个学生提供世界一流且具有挑战性的学习机会,使他们在学业和个人发展方面都能茁壮成长。此外,Kathryn 十分重视通过哈罗曼谷的领导力和服务项目推动学生的技能和品格发展,她也是社区外展项目的热心支持者。
Prior to joining Harrow Hong Kong Children School Shenzhen Qianhai, Nigel Schofield joined AISL Harrow Shenzhen as Head of Upper School in April 2021 with multifaceted experience in leading and managing staff. Nigel firmly believes that the greatest asset of any school is its students, supported by passionate, scholarly staff, and brings to AISL Harrow Schools his expertise in delivering a collaborative, rich and holistic learning experience.
Having taught on 3 continents, he has held leadership positions in schools for over 20 years, internationally since 2011 within senior leadership. Nigel holds a BA (Hons) in Accounting and Finance, and a PGCE in Mathematics from the University of Nottingham. He completed the UK National Professional Qualification for Headship in 2008 and his Masters degree in Education Leadership in 2015.
“It is my greatest pleasure to join the family of Harrow as the Deputy Head (Academic). I am confident that the Hong Kong curriculum implemented under the Harrow school values will nurture students to be high achievers who can reach their full potential with their character strengths through collaborating with people.”
Mr Kwan held more than 20 years of managerial roles in academic and pastoral care and taught students with diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
He used to work for the Education Bureau, promoting curriculum development and involving different sectors of the community in developing quality learning and teaching resources. He also organised various training programmes for front-line teachers.
Kathryn Gavin于 2021 年 8 月作为中学部高级领导团队中最资深的成员顺理成章地加入了学校行政领导团队。Kathryn毕业于埃克塞特大学,获得地理学荣誉学士学位之后,她转入圣卢克斯教育学院攻读 PGCE课程。她在约翰里昂学校(哈罗系学校成员之一)开启教学生涯,先后移居马来西亚、泰国、巴林和中国。Kathryn 于2008 年来到曼谷,今年已经是她在哈罗曼谷执教的第十四个年头。从教师、中层领导再到高层领导,一路走来,Kathryn积累了扎实的经验以及对哈罗曼谷及其社区的深刻了解。她致力于确保为每个学生提供世界一流且具有挑战性的学习机会,使他们在学业和个人发展方面都能茁壮成长。此外,Kathryn 十分重视通过哈罗曼谷的领导力和服务项目推动学生的技能和品格发展,她也是社区外展项目的热心支持者。
“I am both honored and delighted to be part of the Harrow Hong Kong Children School as Deputy Head for Kindergarten. I am very excited about the prospects that the integration of the AISL Harrow Little Lions Curriculum and elements of the Hong Kong Kindergarten Curriculum will bring, and how this high-quality trilingual program will benefit the children in our community.”
Ms Iu earned her postgraduate degree in early childhood education from the University of Hong Kong, where she also pursued her Master of Education in Education Leadership.
Ms Iu has been in the field of early childhood education for almost 20 years. In the span of her career as an educator, she has been a homeroom teacher, music teacher, physical education teacher, teacher trainer, workshop facilitator, PYP coordinator and kindergarten vice principal.
She has extensive knowledge and experience of different curricula, which include the Hong Kong Kindergarten Curriculum, Early Years Foundation Stage, IBPYP and the Chinese National Curriculum.
Paul毕业于布鲁内尔大学,获得数学和统计学一等学位荣誉。在担任了数年精算师和一家大型石油公司的商业顾问(专注于管理解决方案)之后,Paul 于 1999 年进入教育行业。他在英国初任校长职务时,监督学校提高教育质量,成为英国教育标准局(OfSTED)评定的 “优秀”学校。 之后,他在新加坡的Nexus 国际学校担任了八年小学校长。Paul 曾接受英国教育标准局培训,并代表国际学校委员会开展学校评估工作。作为一位经验丰富的学校领导,Paul热衷于打造能够助力年轻学生在这个日新月异的世界中成为杰出领导者的教育。Paul Beach 于 2021 年 8 月加入哈罗曼谷。
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Address: No.11, 3rd Linhai Road, Meilan District, Haikou, Hainan, China, 571127
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Email: admissions@harrowshanghai.cn
Telephone: +86 21 6881 8282 ext 210/212
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Harrow International Shanghai
No. 588 Gaoxi Road, Pudong, Shanghai, China 200137
Harrow International School Shenzhen
Contact Information
Email: admissions@harrowshenzhen.cn
Address: Harrow International School Shenzhen, Tinghai Road, No.3 QianWan Road, NanShan District, Shenzhen City, China, 518054
Harrow Hong Kong Children School, Shenzhen Qianhai
Contact Information
Email: admissions@harrowhkcsshenzhen.cn
Address: 3rd Qianwan Road, Qianhai Cooperation Zone, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, 518054
Contact Information
Email: info@harrowzhuhai.cn
Harrow LiDe School Campus
Yiwen 2nd Avenue, Hengqin New District, Zhuhai, China, 519000
Harrow Little Lions Early Years Centre Campus
No.44, Bailian Road, Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai, China, 519000