“Get Your Faculty Tickets for the AISL Harrow Rowing Regatta Today!” – click here for more

“Get Your Faculty Tickets for the AISL Harrow Rowing Regatta Today!” – click here for more



2024年11月30至12月1日 横琴赛艇公园

粤港澳大湾区系列赛 横琴名校赛艇邀请赛,将汇聚来自大湾区及全球各地的数百位赛艇精英运动员共襄盛会。大赛以 “划动湾区,领航未来” 为愿景,致敬英国哈罗公学两位校友创下的赛艇运动传统,致力打造独树一帜的跨文化交流及赛艇运动人才发展平台。

通过携手本地体育机构和国家级运动员,整合资源和专业知识经验,AISL哈罗赛艇邀请赛锐意培养大湾区下一代赛艇运动人才。此次盛会积极响应大湾区高水平人才发展计划和《“十四五”体育发展规划》,为构建湾区体育生态圈起到重要作用。大赛将聚焦人才发展、湾区共融、全民参与、国际合作、全人教育等多项重要目标,助推大湾区多元经济体 的繁荣发展。 

Grounded in a tradition of academic rigour, leadership development, and cross-cultural understanding, the AISL HARROW ROWING REGATTA also serves as a valuable opportunity for students at AISL Harrow Schools in the GBA, especially Harrow LiDe Hengqin, which is renowned for its outstanding rowing programme, to be actively involved in the organisation and hosting of this high-profile international rowing event. This unique co-curricular activity further enhances the holistic development of these students, instilling the values of sportsmanship, teamwork, and global citizenship.
By leveraging the resources and expertise of local sports associations and national athletes, the AISL HARROW Rowing Regatta will nurture the next generation of rowing talents in the GBA. This event is aligned with the region’s broader talent development plan and the 14th Five-Year Plan for national sports development in China, underscoring its significance in the broader sports ecosystem. Ultimately, the regatta aims to contribute to the overall advancement of this dynamic economic powerhouse through its focus on key objectives such as talent development, Greater Bay Area integration, community engagement, international cooperation, and holistic education.




AISL 哈罗学校

AISL哈罗学校旗下拥有四大教育品牌:哈罗国际学校、哈罗礼德学校、哈罗港人子弟学校和哈罗小狮幼儿园,皆与拥有450年辉煌历史的英国哈罗公学一脉相承,并秉持哈罗传承百年的四大价值理念:勇气、荣誉、谦和、互助, 致力为每位学生提供一流水准的优质教育,成就「育以至善,卓以领航」之宏愿。 





于2017 年在香港创立,凭借丰富资源及雄厚背景, 以体育文化为纵轴,贯通活动企划、教育培训、运动科技、品牌推广及空间设计等行业板块,致力成为大湾区多元产业综合体的领跑者。德天集团在大湾区不断拓展业务,推动文体教融合发展,提升行业影响力,深度融入国家发展大局,为下一代创造更美好、更高质的生活环境。



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