“Get Your Faculty Tickets for the AISL Harrow Rowing Regatta Today!” – click here for more

“Get Your Faculty Tickets for the AISL Harrow Rowing Regatta Today!” – click here for more

Sponsorship Opportunities

Support Us

The Regatta presents an exceptional opportunity for brands to demonstrate their unweaving commitment in supporting youth and sports development in the Greater Bay Area. By participating in the sponsorship, it creates favourable circumstances for brands to: 

  1. Increase brand visibility in the Greater Bay Area
  2. Enjoy extensive PR exposure in key media and channels nationally and regionally
  3. Strengthen brand positioning within the communities in the Greater Bay Area
  4. Explore potential partnerships with organising parties, and other supporting organisations
  5. Expand network and connections with different industry leaders in the Greater Bay Area
  6. Secure potential business by connecting with participants and audience 

Sponsorship Opportunities

Gold Sponsor
RMB 500,000
Silver Sponsor
RMB 300,000
Bronze Sponsor
RMB 100,000
Major Sponsor
RMB 50,000
Booth Sponsor
RMB 10,000
A) Logo Placement
All event materialsProminent & PriorityPriority
B) Key Brand Exposure
Participation in the Press Conference
Participation in the Opening and Gun Fire Ceremony
Media Interview and Press Coverage
Featured Article in Event’s official channels and other platforms
Brand Mention in Event’s Official Channels, Pre-Event and Post-Event Press Release
Extensive Logo Banner at Audience Zone
Reserved Seats at Welcome Dinner10 seats6 seats4 seats-
Complimentary Spectator Pass50403015
Corporate Giveaways to the participants and audience
On-site booth for product sales
C) Qualification of Participation
Master Category- 1000m Short Distance

* Other forms of collaborations are open for discussion.

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WeChat ID: AISLHarrowSchools